Factors that Lead to Divorce in Marriage

Divorce can be a difficult time for everyone involved. It is important to understand the reasons behind divorce and what your options are as an individual.

Jan 26, 2023 - 18:47
Feb 8, 2023 - 19:39
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Factors that Lead to Divorce in Marriage
When divorce is looking like an option

Factors that Lead to Divorce in Marriage

Divorce is a reality that most people do not like to deal with. It can be a very painful and stressful experience and it can also cost you a lot of money if you are not careful. The following factors will help you understand more about why divorce happens in marriages and what causes it:

There are many reasons why marriage fails, but one of the main reasons is when both spouses agree to divorce before they come to an agreement on their issues with each other. In this case, they cannot work together as they would normally do in order to solve their disputes peacefully.

If one spouse is afraid or insecure about their relationship, then things get worse over time because they start blaming everything on the other person including small issues that might not even be worth talking about again or taking them further away from solving the problem together without creating more problems for both of them later on down the line. This can lead to fighting constantly since feelings are hurt easily during arguments especially when emotions run high making everything seem like more important than what it actually is – just normal everyday disagreements between two people who care deeply about each other no matter how much those feelings may differ at times.

When couples decide to spend their lives together after all these years together there needs to be an understanding on how things should work out between them if there become any problems which arise along the way.


Infidelity is a major cause of divorce. It is making marriages to hit the rock. Many marriages will end in divorce as a result of this one behavior. Infidelity can be defined as having sexual relations with someone other than your spouse while you're still married to them.

People who have been unfaithful may feel guilty or ashamed, but it is important to understand that cheating on your spouse does not necessarily mean the end of their relationship with you. In fact, if there are underlying problems in your marriage (for example infidelity might be just one symptom), then perhaps it's time for professionals such as psychologists or counselors who specialize in relationships issues help repair what's broken so that both parties won't suffer any more than necessary from this difficult situation.


A person may be going through physical, sexual, or emotional abuse in marriage. A quick definition will put it into perspective.

  • Physical abuse is the most common form of abuse in marriage. It includes hitting, shoving and other physical violence. It can happen at any time during a relationship, and it's not just limited to spouses or partners; children are also victims of this type of abuse.
  • Sexual abuse occurs when one partner forces another into sexual acts against their will, even if they are married couples with kids together (child sexual assault).
  • Emotional abuse involves using words or behavior that cause emotional harm such as bullying someone into submission or making fun of them for things like their weight problems.


  • Incompatibility: The difference in personality and values between a couple can lead to divorce.
  • Differences in social status: A person may be more familiar with what it means to live a certain lifestyle, which could lead to conflict if their partner doesn't share the same interests or values.
  • Differences in education: Education is one of the best ways to understand someone's profession and thus better understand where they stand on issues like politics or religion. If you don't have similar educational backgrounds, you may have difficulty communicating with each other about these topics (which could cause friction).
  • Differences in hobbies: Some people enjoy playing sports together while others prefer doing something else entirely—but if your partner has no interest in playing games like soccer or basketball, then this might cause tension between you instead! For example: “You know how much I love watching football games every Sunday afternoon? Well...you only watch reality TV shows all day long! No thanks!”

Lack of Communication

Communication is a key factor in keeping your marriage strong. If you're having trouble communicating, it can be hard to get through the day and night. This is because many couples don't talk about their problems or feel comfortable asking for help when they are sad or hurt by something that has happened in their lives.

It's important that both partners learn how to talk about their feelings without taking things personally so that each person understands how the other feels and what needs to change in order for them both to feel better. Communication is also vital when it comes down to solving problems within the relationship such as fighting over housework or finances; sharing responsibilities equally; staying away from drinking alcohol together etcetera...

Financial problems

Financial problems are a common reason for divorce. If you’re not able to pay the bills and have trouble making ends meet, it can lead to conflict between you and your spouse.

If your finances are in poor shape, then either one of you may be tempted to leave because there will be no way for one person in the relationship to provide for all of their needs. In addition, if one spouse has been saving up money for retirement or college but spends it on rent or other expenses instead of investing it wisely, then they might feel like they have nothing left over at all when they leave their marriage—and this could result in an unhappy ending as well!

Loss of Intimacy and Passion

Intimacy and passion are important in a marriage. When these two things are not present, the relationship can become stale and boring. You may find yourself feeling like you're living together but not getting along well with your partner.

If you want to keep your marriage alive by keeping the passion alive, here are some tips:

  • Make sure that both of you agree on what it is that makes a happy marriage work for both of you. Do not let one person dictate how things should be done because he/she thinks they know better than anyone else! If there's any conflict over this topic, do some research on what other people have said about it before coming up with an answer yourself (this will help prevent arguments).
  • Be open minded about new ideas—even if they seem silly at first glance! Take time out from doing daily tasks like laundry or cooking meals so as not get distracted by something else happening around them."

There are ways to avoid divorce but if you do end up divorced there is always help available for you. Contact us at Save our Women from Abuse.

There are ways to avoid divorce but if you do end up divorced there is always help available for you.

For example, if your partner is abusive or verbally abusive, you can seek court protection against him/her. Court ordered mediation and counseling may be required as well before the court will grant this type of order.


In conclusion, divorce can be a difficult time for everyone involved. It is important to understand the reasons behind divorce and what your options are as an individual. If you have children and are considering ending your marriage, it is important to speak with an lawyer who specializes in family law issues so they can help guide you through these difficult decisions.

If you are currently going through marital challenge or you want to gain experience from people who have gone through terrible moment in their marriage you may click on this link to join SOWFA. It is an acronym for Save our Women from Abuse

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