Avoiding Divorce: Positive Steps to Help Troubled Couples

Having a healthy and happy marriage is something that takes work and dedication from both partners. All misunderstandings must not lead to threatening with divorce

Feb 10, 2023 - 23:45
Feb 11, 2023 - 07:07
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Avoiding Divorce: Positive Steps to Help Troubled Couples
Divorce can be avoided if...


It’s no secret that relationships can be difficult and complicated, and sometimes it can feel like all of your efforts to make it work are for nothing. But don’t give up hope just yet—take it from someone who's been through a few rocky patches, divorce doesn't always have to be the end result.

There are positive steps you and your partner can take to help get through a troubled marriage before making a life-altering decision. In this article, I'm going to talk about some of the different strategies you should consider when your relationship is in trouble.

From initiating active listening exercises and seeking external assistance to simply learning how to open up and communicate more effectively, I'm going to break it down for you so you can start on the path towards resolution—and hopefully avoid divorce altogether. Let's get started!

Recognizing the Signs of an Unhealthy Marriage

It's easy to overlook the signs that your marriage is becoming an unhealthy one. You might be so caught up in the day-to-day hustle and bustle that you don't take the time to recognize or acknowledge what's happening in your relationship.

For starters, are you consistently arguing and disagreeing with your partner? Have any of these arguments escalated to shouting or physical abuse? Are you staying away from each other for days on end? If so, it's time to step back and reassess why this is happening.

It may also be helpful to ask yourself a few honest questions: Are you both taking responsibility for your individual actions? Do you feel like your needs are not being respected or met in the relationship? Are there certain topics of discussion that make both of you uncomfortable or tense?

Take some time to think honestly through these questions, as they can help to uncover the underlying issues in your relationship. Once identified, these can form the basis of any conversations that you have with each other moving forward.

Communication Techniques for a Troubled Marriage

You and your partner don't have to stay silent when a disagreement arises. Being able to communicate in a healthy, productive way is essential for a successful marriage. Here are some communication practices you and your partner can use to lessen misunderstandings:

  • Take time to cool off and settle down when an argument starts heating up. You don't have to be silent, but give yourself an opportunity to consider the other person's perspective before you respond. This can help prevent further escalation of the disagreement.
  • Talk with each other face-to-face about any issues that arise with respect and understanding for each other's feelings.
  • Use "I" statements when discussing issues so that you take ownership of that feeling or opinion instead of placing blame on the other person. This allows the conversation to become more productive instead of turning into an emotionally charged debate.
  • Make sure both parties feel heard and understood; an effective way to achieve this is by repeating back what your partner has said in your own words so they feel their voice is heard and validated.

By utilizing these communication techniques, couples can find a solution together without having to resort to divorce or violence.

How to Set Healthy Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries is an important step in avoiding divorce. When a marriage has reached a critical point, boundaries help couples reach agreements and discuss issues without resorting to physical or emotional abuse.

One way to set boundaries is to create “rules of engagement” within the relationship. Establishing rules of engagement lets couples create a safe, respectful space where they can communicate openly and honestly—no matter how difficult the conversations may be.

You can also use joint problem-solving for setting boundaries. When you mutually agree on rules and behaviors, you set expectations for yourselves and your spouse that benefits everyone involved.

Here are some ideas for setting healthy boundaries:

  • Avoid criticizing or attacking each other during arguments.
  • Respect each other's opinions and feelings, even if you don't agree with them.
  • Practice active listening so that each partner feels heard and understood.
  • Take breaks if things become too heated, rather than resorting to negative behavior or lashing out.
  • Don't make decisions when angry—wait until emotions have cooled down before making any important decisions.

When to Seek Professional Counseling

If you've tried your best to fix the situation, yet the conflicts and issues remain unresolved, it might be a good idea to seek professional counseling. Professional counseling can provide couples with more objective guidance and insights into their relationship dynamics. With the help of a professional counselor, couples can understand each other better and look at their circumstances from different angles.

In addition, professional counseling can help couples:

  • Identify underlying issues that are causing tension in their marriage.
  • Develop effective communication strategies.
  • Learn how to resolve conflicts without animosity or aggression.
  • Rediscover what they truly value in a relationship.
  • Reconnect on an emotional level.

Professional counseling provides a safe space for couples to work through their differences and learn new ways of interacting with each other. Ultimately, it gives couples the tools they need to move forward in a healthier way and create a stronger bond.

Re-Igniting the Passion in a Troubled Relationship

When couples are in a troubled marriage, the passion and romance that brought them together is often replaced with anger and resentment. Re-igniting your passion and love for each other can be difficult, but it's not impossible. Here are some tips to help you reignite the spark in your relationship:

Spend Quality Time Together

Set aside time each week to be with just each other, free from distractions like work, kids or screens. During this time, actively listen to one another, express appreciation for one another, use humor, and engage in activities that nurture connection.

Engage in Fun Activities That Break Up Your Normal Routine

Do things you both enjoy together; it doesn't have to be anything formal or expensive. Something as simple as taking a walk together or playing a game of Ping-Pong can be enough to remind you of why you fell in love in the first place.

Try Something New Together

Stepping out of your comfort zone as a couple can be incredibly rewarding! Anything from cooking classes to jogging clubs or learning something new (like a language or musical instrument) can bond you closer together while also expanding your horizons.

When communicating with each other becomes difficult due to hurt feelings and built-up resentment, it's important to take a step back and remember the things that drew you to one another in the first place. With conscious effort and patience, couples who were once at risk of divorce can find joy once more!

Coping With Uncertainty and Anxiety in a Toxic Relationship

It's understandable that living in a toxic relationship can cause anxiety and uncertainty for both partners. A good first step is to talk openly about your feelings with one another, but also know when to pause and take some time away, if needed.

Look for common ground

It can be tempting, especially when the pressure is high, to try and make a ‘win-lose’ bargain out of an argument. This can lead to both sides feeling unheard and resentful. Try and find common ground with your spouse that you both agree on, even if it’s just as small as agreeing on a time to finish the discussion or checking in on each other’s needs to ensure that neither of you feel left out or neglected.

Find support outside of the marriage

Talking about the issues in your marriage with a third-party can provide an important outlet for expressing feelings in a non-judgmental environment. Professional help from counselors, pastoral counselors or therapists is highly encouraged for couples in toxic marriages who want to make changes but don’t know how. Additionally, spending time with friends and family who understand your situation can help diffuse tension between spouses.

Keep communication open

A toxic relationship often consists of communication breakdowns where one partner stops speaking altogether or becomes very defensive when conversations arise. It's essential to keep conversation channels open as much as possible – even if it means having short “breather” periods away from each other while tensions are high – so that true solutions to relationship issues are discussed rationally and peacefully later on.


All in all, having a healthy and happy marriage is something that takes work and dedication from both partners. However, if you are having difficulties, it is important to remember that divorce is often not the best solution. By investing time, energy and a commitment to listening to each other, couples can strive to build a stronger relationship than before.

No matter the circumstances, couples can take positive steps to avoid divorce, from seeking professional help to mending broken communication. Remember, you have the power to turn your marriage around and make it even stronger. With the right tools and strategies, you can work together to make your relationship the best it can be.

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