Is food supposed to give you energy or not?

Here are three causes of post-meal drowsiness.

May 12, 2023 - 14:27
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Is food supposed to give you energy or not?

1) The food you consumed

You may or may not feel drowsy after eating depending on the type of food you consume. Research shows that compared to other foods, foods high in protein and carbohydrates tend to make a person feel tired. This is due to the fact that certain of these meals encourage your body to manufacture more serotonin, which controls sleep. Tryptophan, which is found in foods high in protein and aids in the body's production of serotonin, and carbs aid in the absorption of tryptophan, which results in fatigue or sleepiness after eating.

2) The quantity of food you consumed

The quantity of food you consume also affects how drowsy you feel. In comparison to a small supper, a large meal increases the likelihood that a person may feel sleepy afterward. Depending on the meal, blood sugar levels may rise and an energy slump may ensue.

3) The quantity of sleep you get

If you don't get enough sleep at night, you are far more likely to feel weary during the day and even sleepy after eating.
In addition to the aforementioned, some researchers assert that feeling tired after eating is a normal reaction and in no way causes cause for alarm.

But here are some things you may do to aid if this is interfering with your everyday routine;

  • Avoid heavy meals
  • Get enough sleep at night
  • Do some light exercise after eating
  • Or…just take a short nap during the day.

If any of the above does not help, it might be beneficial to pay a visit to the doctor.

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