Committing Suicide in a Marriage is not an Option

A marriage that recently ended in suicide

Dec 20, 2022 - 01:02
Dec 23, 2022 - 18:04
 0  58
Committing Suicide in a Marriage is not an Option
Toxic marriage
Recently we woke up to a news of how a woman took her life when she returned from a foreign trip only to find that a sidechick has taken over her home. The woman relocated to the UK on the directives of her husband unknowing to her what the man’s real intentions were.
For the benefit of those who are new to the word "sidechick". A sidechick is a female who has a sexual relationship with a married man.
Shortly after the wife relocated, the sidechick took over the matrimonial home. The wife abroad got to hear the news and embarked on a secret mission to verify the news. She flew back to Nigeria only to be denied entry into her matrimonial home based on “order from above”.
Upon realizing the news was true she took sniper and the rest is now history.
I will not dwell on the dead but focus today’s message on the living, and I would want to ask: Is there wisdom in taking one’s life simply because your husband is having affairs with a sidechick?
Are there other ways the woman would have approached the matter, If so, what are the options?
What right has anyone to take his or life because of a troubled marriage?
Should anyone kill his or her spouse because of infidelity?
While we are trying to recover from this sad news someone is about to commit another terrible act in marriage. It could be a man or a woman. Whoever that person is, It is important to know that life has no duplicate. If you kill yourself in marriage simply because of your spouse infidelity, certainly, you are the greater loser. Your spouse would have gotten a proper license to carry on with his act while you rot in hades.
Sometimes, separation is all a woman needs to make the man realize his stupidity. That a woman could not curb the excesses of a man, that does not mean the woman is a failure. There are things within your sphere of control and there are many things in nature that are not under you direct control. One if it is the chronic habit of most men. If you can’t cope with such habit, simply bow out by separation or divorce for the sake of your sanity.
Let’s stop this trend, it is totally un-African. Our culture does not support the taking of life by oneself neither do our laws. The stigma would hunt the children in that marriage for years and sometimes, throughout their lifetime. Committing suicide is a very selfish act that does not consider alternatives.
Marriage is not a do-or-die affair. I have seen people who went on to live a productive and glorious life after their marriage failed. If you think you need help, please talk to SOWFA. We are here to help.
If this is you first time listening to me, you are welcome to SOWFA, SOWFA is Save Our Women from Abuse. SOWFA is an NGO striving to stop violence in marriage. If you are a man or woman in an abusive marriage and you want an intervention, SOWFA is here to help you.
Do not die a marriage, you still have the chance to live a better life, why end it there?
You don’t need to do the unthinkable all you need is to know your right in a marriage and apply the right approach.
At SOWFA, we’ve got competent counsellors with many years of marital experience who are ready to guide you in your marital journey.
We want you to be alive and we want you to take the best decision in the worst situation you may have found yourself.
If your marriage is not working let’s help you fix it. We have testimonies of people who are currently enjoying their once dead marriage simply because they reported the case to SOWFA and we followed through till we got the right result for the couples.
Don’t die in silence, don’t allow societal conditioning to stop you from accessing the solution that is possible. We at SOWFA can help.
If you are a pastor or mummy pastor and you want us to help us advise your spouse either as pertaining your ministry or home, we are here to assist. Cleric are the most reserved set of people in our society. They go through so much pain and no one to tell. Many of them are going through sexual starvation and deprivation. If you are in this category, talk to us. You secret is safe with us.
To join SOWFA click on the Telegram link in the comment section, and you are right on SOWFA platform. It is as simple as that.
If you don’t have Telegram on your phone, simply download it. We have provided the link in the comment section too.
Our office address is in the comment section should you want a physical meeting with one of our counsellors.
We will be expecting you.
Pls share this post with friends, family, and neighbors, you might just be helping a soul to stay alive.
My name is Dr. Ibojiemenmen Celestine
Till next time
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