Skit creators and key figures will launch a union to control their content.
The content producers, often referred to as skit makers and influencers in the Nigerian digital realm, have decided to form a trailblazing union with the goal of promoting their rights and tackling common issues.
At a media event in Lagos State on June 29, 2023, talent manager Micheal Nwabufo, commonly known as Mike Premium, announced this to reporters.
Nwabufo, who was recently named the initiative's acting president, revealed that representatives and stakeholders from the various spheres of content creation, including YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and other major platforms, have been engaged in intensive discussions and consultations to intervene and mediate in Trinity's issue and, as well, pave the way for Trinity to move forward.
He said, “The proposed union seeks to create a unified front for content creators, protect intellectual property rights, and promote professional standards and ethical guidelines for content creation and influencer marketing.
The trust between creators, influencers, and their audiences will be protected as a result of this since it will promote openness, authenticity, and ethical practices. Along with other vices, this will also stop unethical practices like deceptive advertising, enhancing the reputation of content producers and influencers.The planned union hopes to develop into a hub for member assistance, networking, and education. The union aspires to help artists and influencers in their career paths by pooling resources and experience and offering workshops, training programs, and mentorship opportunities.
Collaboration and knowledge-sharing among members will be prioritized, he continued, in order to promote a feeling of community and spur industrial innovation.
The exponential growth of the industry and the emergence of new challenges have forced content producers and influencers to seek collective strength and protection amid efforts by the Nigerian government to regulate and saturate the rapidly expanding digital industry. Traditionally, they have worked independently.
In order to navigate the necessary processes and requirements for registration and the establishment of a strong legal framework that will serve as a strong foundation for the union's operations, he further stated that consultations and engagements with key stakeholders, legal experts, and relevant authorities had already taken place and were at an advanced stage.
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