A Spanish court has ordered a man to pay his ex-wife $218,300 in remuneration for 25 years of housework.

The wife had dedicated herself "to essentially working in the home, which meant looking after the home and the family and all that entailed" since their marriage, according to the judgement.

Mar 8, 2023 - 12:22
 0  7
A Spanish court has ordered a man to pay his ex-wife $218,300 in remuneration for 25 years of housework.

According to court documents, a Spanish court ordered a man to pay his ex-wife 200,000 euros for 25 years of unpaid domestic labor based on the minimum wage throughout their marriage.
According to the judgement by a court in the southern Andalusia province, which AFP obtained a copy of, the man was ordered to pay her "204,624.86 euros ($218,300), calculating the sum based on the annual minimum income" throughout their marriage.

The couple had two daughters, and their marriage was controlled by a separation of property regime, which said that whatever each party earned was theirs alone, leaving the wife with no access to any of the riches accumulated during years of collaboration.

The wife had dedicated herself "to essentially working in the home, which meant looking after the home and the family and all that entailed" since their marriage, according to the judgement.

Court documents provide a calculation of what she would have earned annually between June 1995 and December 2020.
The ex-husband was also ordered to pay her a monthly childcare stipend for the daughters, one of whom is under the age of 18 and the other above the age of 18.

Speaking to Cadena Ser radio, the woman, who was not named, said her husband did not "want her to work" outside the home yet he let her work at the gyms he owned, where she managed "public relations and worked as a watchdog".

Other from that, "I have dedicated myself totally to housework, taking care of my spouse and the house," she explained.

"He forced me to take on the specialized job" of completing domestic tasks, to the point that "I couldn't really do anything else," she explained.
She was "extremely thrilled" with the sentencing because it was "very well earned," she claimed.

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